Monday, March 1, 2010

Women's Issues

Steinem and Brumberg articles discuss issues particular to women. Brumberg's The Body Project had significant importance to me. Several amazing women in my life have eating disorders and this weekend I just learned that my younger 15 year old cousin who is absolutely beautiful has bulimia. I was so sad to learn this information. I wish she could see herself the way everyone else does. There is nothing wrong with her! I think Brumberg as well as Steinem's article really emphasizes the extent that adds and media really shape how women look at themselves.

The articles raise the question to who's standard are we living up to? These models we see in the magazines, on tv, on bilboards are all extremely skinny to begin with and on top of that are all air brushed. They are not being portrayed in their real skin. The images that surround us are unrealistic. How can any women live up to this, if even the models cannot? I was really proud of the Dove campaign for real beauty. This campaign has focused their attention on this issue and uses real women and girls in their beauty commercials. It is refreshing to see women who look like me and my friends being portrayed as beautiful. Just because we are not 5'11 with size 24 in waist does not mean we are not beautiful! Below I'm posting a video on how beauty in other respects is done.

The first time I saw this video I was amazed at how the person in the end looked nothing like the person who walked in. Beauty that we see is not real and I wish women could begin to see themselves for how beautiful they are. I think there needs to be a real push to make advertisers be responsible to represent beauty in a real form. If they want to have models that are skinny and lanky fine but to go in and air brush their flaws is ridiculous. Many of these models also have issues with their own weight which if so ironic seeing how they could be seen as perpetuating their own problem.

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