Monday, March 22, 2010

Life Choices

Judith Arcana, Igna Muscio, and Allison Crews, often contradict as well as support one another within their respective articles regarding abortions. In 1973, the Supreme Court’s decision of Jane Roe v. Henry Wade established a women’s right to choose. This decision continues to be revisited and debated today. Most recently, the issue of abortion was reexamined in President Obama’s health care bill. President Obama has struggled to pass various health care bills in order to help the tens of million of Americans that remain uninsured. In order for Democrats to achieve the needed number votes to pass, abortions were left on the sideline. “They agreed to a deal with opponents of abortion rights within their party to reiterate in an executive order that federal money provided by the bill could not be used for abortions, securing for Democrats the final handful of votes they needed to assure passage” (Pear A1). While abortions remain legal, affording them remains an obstacle.

Igna Muscio offers her thoughts regarding abortion within her article, “Abortion, Vacuum Cleaners, and the Power Within.” Ms. Muscio has experienced three abortions. Two of the abortions were conducted in a clinic while the third one was conducted organically, through various massages and remedies. This is what led to her opposition of clinical abortions. Ms. Muscio expresses this animosity within the beginning of her article. “I, a young lady, being of sound feminist mind and undeniably womanly body, am adamantly against clinical abortions” (Listen Up 112). Ms. Muscio is presenting a bias view. I believe that: 1) it is a pregnant women’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion 2) it is a pregnant women’s right to choose the type of abortion that is best for her. I agree with Cait that women should be educated to the pros and cons of abortion as well the type of abortions that are available. The author’s experience should be validated. For her, she preferred an organic abortion. Other women should get to make individual, educated choices, with respect to abortion. Ms. Muscio’s time may be more effectively spent educating herself as well as others to birth control methods. As a male who is pro choice, Ms. Muscio’s article offers a narrow-minded viewpoint.

Allison Crews article, “And So I chose,” expands on her decision to be pro-woman and pro-choice. I share a similar stance with the author, who is supportive of any reproductive choice a woman chooses. Women do not need to be ridiculed for their choices. Individuals should acknowledge that they could one day be in similar shoes as the individuals who they are currently protesting. Ms. Crews clearly explains her stance on woman’s choices with regards to abortion. “Young mothers need to be supported in their choices, whatever they may be. Whether they elect to abort a pregnancy, to place a child for adoption or to raise their children, resources to help young women make and cope with their choices need to be readily available” (Listen Up 143). Women need to be educated and then supported, regardless of their choice.

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